Local pool services

local pool services our local area.

Beautiful Renovations

We specialize in luxury pool renovations and offer this to the Greater Houston Area.

Equipment Repairs.

With seven years of experience and close relationships with all major vendors, we can repair, replace or upgrade almost all equipment.

about us

We Are Swimming Pool
Service Experts

We love to renovate, repair, and replace anything to do with an inground swimming pool. We have extensive pool industry knowledge and experience. From accurate leak detections to beautiful pool renovations and equipment installations, we are here to answer any questions you may have?

High Quality Cleaning
& Maintenance Services


7 years of


Big 3 Authorized Dealer


Explore Our Services

All of our services are provided by Licensed and skilled Pool service industry professionals, they include

Equipment Install

  1. Equipment install name change into Equipment Inflation and Repairs
  2. Content: We are experienced with all types of pool equipment from the major manufacturers such as Hayward, Pentair, Jandy, and Polaris. We offer Sales, service and installations on most pool equipment and are here to help you today!
  3. Picture will remove and add some tool picture in it.

Pool Inspections

  1. Pool Inspection name change into Certified Pool Inspection.
  2. Content: Purchasing or selling a home with a pool? Have a certified pool inspection done on the pool and equipment. After completed we will submit a report along with an estimate for repairs on the inspection reports findings
  3. Remove picture from it and add magnified glass
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Services Specialty

  1. Services Specialty name change into Local Pool Service.
  2. Content: local pool services our local area
  3. Remove picture from it and add this picture

Drain & Clean

  1. Drain & clean name change into Green to Clean & Acid washes
  2. Content: We turn pools from a state of nature back to balanced swimming pools but sometimes that means doing an acid wash and then a chemical restoration

Water Analysis

  1. Water Analysis name change into A Beautiful Renovations
  2. Content: We specialize in All plaster finishes, tile replacement and restoration, Coping repairs and replacement plus incredible deck overlays and spray deck renovations